International Competition of Urban Economy |
| Post date: 2020/08/10 | |
International Competition of Urban Economy
Iran Urban Economics Scientific Association intends to hold the second international competition in the field of urban economics and management. All interested parties are hereby invited to participate in this event. This competition will be held from 23 Oct 2019 to 22 Nov 2019 and prizes will be awarded to the best individuals. Please send the image of your answer to the email of the association to info iuea.ir.
1. What percentage of municipal revenues in the world belongs to the property tax approximately?
a. 20 percent b. 30 percent c. 37 percent d. 43 percent
2. How much income will the sharing economy have by 2025?
a. 220 billion$ b. 270 billion$ c. 310 billion$ d. 335 billion$
3. How is the financing of highways and freeways in Europe?
a. It is provided from the general budget of the city.
b. It is provided from its users.
c. The national government pays the full cost.
d. It is financed by international loans.
4. In which year and in which country was the BOT contract first used?
a. 1968- Turkey c. 1960- USA
b. 1972- France d. 1984- China
5. Which city is Asia’s Silicon Valley?
a. Singapore b. Nanjing c. Seoul d. Bangalore
6. Which strategy has Europe banking chosen since 1980?
a. Globalization
b. Merge and absorb
c. Reproduction and multiplication
d. Strict regulation
7. In terms of tourism, the coastline around the world is a place of attraction for ....... percent of international tourists and is one of the most popular destinations.
a. 50 b. 60 c. 70 d. 80
8. What situation is the accumulation of inappropriate and negative conditions that systematically resists the movement of cities towards sustainability?
a. urban blight b. urban decline c. urban entropy d. immigration
9. Which option is the largest urban economy?
a. Tokyo- Yokohama
b. Rhine-Ruhr
c. Kobe- Osaka
d. Philadelphia-Baltimore
10. On what basis are the annual car tolls received in European cities?
a. Age of the car
b. Car engine volume
c. Car use rate
d. Leakage rate of carbon dioxide
International Competition of Urban Economy |
| Post date: 2020/08/10 | |
International Competition of Urban Economy
Iran Urban Economics Scientific Association intends to hold the first international competition in the field of urban economics and management. All interested parties are hereby invited to participate in this event. This competition will be held from 22 June 2019 to 23 July 2019 and prizes will be awarded to the best individuals. Please send the image of your answer to the email of the association to info iuea.ir.
1. According to Arturo Soria y Mata, Spanish urban planner and inventor of linear city theory all city problems origin from…..
a. Lack of housing
b. Lack of infrastructures
c. Traffic
d. Abnormal land use
2. Who is the creative city theorist?
a. Patrick Geddes
b. Richard Florida
c. Clarence Perry
d. Jin Jacobs
3. The cornerstone of urban transportation planning in the United States is related to …… Act in …….
a. highway Act- 1962
b. Federal transit Act- 1991
c. Traffic Safety Improvement Act-1999
d. Aviation and Transportation Security Act- 2001
4. Which of the following is an indicator of the competitiveness of global cities?
a. Environment
b. Economy
c. Research & Development
d. all of the above
5.Which world city stands on the top based on the competitiveness indicators?
a. New York b. Tokyo c. Paris d. London
6. Complete Streets Act, passed in the United States in 2019, supports….
a. Light rail transportation
b. Walking and cycling
c. Monorail
d. metro development
7. What is the annual budget of London in 2019 and what percentage of it has been from taxes and duties?
a. 8 billion pond- 50 percent
b. 10 billion pond- 57 percent
c. 12.5 billion pond- 65 percent
d. 14.5 billion pond- 35 percent
8. The European Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan prepared in …..and revised in….
a. 2010-2015 b. 2012-2016 c. 2013-2017 d. 2013-2019
9. How many millions of passengers have the metro transported daily in 2019 on a global scale?
a. 150 million b. 157 million c. 168 million d. 182 million
10. The great financial crisis of 2008 started from….
a. housing b. banks c. insurance companies d. urban infrastructures