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:: Statute of IUESA ::

Chapter1: Generalities and Goals

Article 1: in order to promote, enhance and scientific development of urban economics and qualitative development of experts, and improve the educational and research activities in the fields of urban economics and relevant sciences Urban Economics Association is formed that henceforth is called Association in this statute.

Article 2: The Association is a non-profit institution and it works in the scientific and technical fields. It has a legal entity after the date of registration, and the Chairman of the Board is a legal representative of the Association.

Article 3: The center of the Association is in Tehran and its branches may be formed in each region of the country.

Note: If necessary, Board of Directors can change the address of the main center, on the condition that it would be announced in the official gazette with a wide circulation, and commission of scientific associations of the Ministry of Science, Research Technology would be informed in a written announcement.

Article 4: The Association is formed from enactment of this statute for an unlimited period and it must abide by the laws of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Chapter2: Duties and activities

Article 5: in order to achieve the mentioned goals in article 1 of this statute, IUESA will accomplish following measures:

5-1: Doing scientific and cultural researches nationally and internationally with experts and specialists dealing with urban economics

5-2: Cooperating with executive, scientific and research institutions for evaluating, reviewing and implementing plans and programs related to training, research and technical affairs

5-3: Encouraging researchers, scholars and professors

5-4: Presenting training and technical services

5-5: Holding short-term training courses

5-6: Holding scientific meetings at national, regional and international levels

5-7: Publishing books and scientific articles

Chapter3: Types and conditions of membership

1. Associate membership:

The founders of the association and all individuals who, at least, hold their masters in majors such as: Economics, financial management, commercial management, industrial management, training management, public administration, accounting, urban and regional planning, environment economics, transportation economics, insurance management, political, social, educational sciences and other related fields to urban economics may become as a permanent membership.

2. Affiliate membership:

The individuals holding their bachelor degree and having at least 5 years’ experience in one of the majors mentioned in section 1 may become as an affiliate membership.

3. Student membership:

All university students who are majoring in Economics, financial management, commercial management, training management,  industrial management, public administration, accounting, urban and regional planning, environment economics, transportation economics, insurance management, political, social, educational sciences and other related fields to the IEUSA fields.

4. Honorary membership:

Iranian and foreign individuals who their scientific positions are of specific great importance or those who aided us to advance the aims of the association may have such membership.

5. Institutional membership (legal)

The organizations having related scientific and research activities may become as institutional memberships.

Note 1: The individuals with bachelor degree in one of the mentioned fields in section 1 may become associate membership upon the approval of the board of the directors.

Note 2: Institutional members are regarded as affiliate members of the association.

Article 7: Each member pays fee is determined by general forum as membership.

Note1: Paying membership fee does not create any kind of right or claim to the property of IUESA.

Note 2: Honorary members are exempt from paying fees.

Article 8: Membership ends in one of the following:

8-1: Written resignation

8-2: Non-payment of annual fee

Note: Termination of membership is approved by the Board of Directors

Chapter 4: Pillars of IUESA

Article 9: Pillars of IUESA are:

a) General assembly           b) Board of Directors              c) Ombudsmen

A) General assembly

Article 10: General assembly is held with the presence of associate members ordinarily or extraordinarily.

10-1: Ordinary general assembly is held once a year and it becomes formalized with presence or written vote of half plus one associate member. Decisions are valid by majority votes.

10-2: Extraordinary general assembly is held for a necessary issue with the invitation of Board of Directors or ombudsmen, and or written request of one-third of associate members.

10-3: If the first invitation of general assembly meeting is not formalized, the second meeting will be held at least twenty days later and it will be formalized with present members in the meeting. In addition, voting can be implemented correspondingly on the basis of regulations developed by the Board of Directors.

Note1: Invitation for holding general assembly is in a written form or advertisement in a widely circulated newspaper and associated members should be informed at least 15 days before holding the meeting.

Note2: One-third of associated members can invite for holding extraordinary general assembly on a condition that Board of the Directors and also ombudsmen did not agree with their demand. In such situation, they should stipulate in the advertisement the failure to comply the request by Board of the Directors.

Note3: In case of the fulfillment of the above note, the agenda of general meeting will be exclusively the issue mentioned in the letter of intent.

Note4: The condition of holding extraordinary general assembly is like ordinary one and decisions are valid with two-third of votes.

Note5: If Board of Directors does not hold annual general assembly in due time, ombudsmen can invite the aforementioned assembly.

Article 11: Duties of General Assembly

a) Ordinary General Assembly

- Selecting members of Board of Directors and Ombudsmen

-Approving IUESA policies

-Investigating and approving suggestions of Board of Directors and ombudsmen

-Determining membership fee

-Dismissal of Board of Directors and ombudsmen

-Investigating and approving balance sheets, revenues’ bill, the cost of the previous fiscal year and association’s next year budget

b) Extraordinary General Assembly                                                                   

          -Approving changes in the provisions of statute

          -Approving dissolution of the Association

Note1: Ordinary and extraordinary general assembly meetings become formalized with the presence of the plenipotentiary representative of Iran Scientific Associations’ commission.

Note2: General assemblies are administered by Board of Directors including a Head, a secretary and two supervisors.

Note 3: Members of Board of Directors are selected by announcement and acceptance of one’s candidacy

Note4: Members of Board of Directors should not be among those who candidate themselves in the election of board of directors and ombudsman.

B) Board of Directors

Article 12: IUESA Board of Directors is composed of 5 main members and 2 substitute members.  They are selected every three years with secret ballet among associated members of IUESA.

 12-1: No members can be selected in more than two consecutive terms in board of directors’ membership.

12-2: At most two members falling under article 12-1 can be member of board of directors if they obtain three-fourth of present voters in the meeting.

12-3: Membership in board of directors is honorary.

12-4: After being elected Board of Directors will hold a meeting and isolate their duties by written vote maximum one month later.

12-5: All binding documents and notes payable are valid with the signature of head of board of the directors and treasurer along with IUESA seal, and official letters with the signature of head of the board of directors or vice-chair of board of directors.

12-6: Board of Directors is obliged to hold meeting monthly. The time interval between the invitation letter and phone call with the date of the Board of directors’ meeting is at least three days.

12-7: Board of directors’ meeting is formalized with the presence of majority members and taken decisions are valid with the majority of agreed votes.

12-8: All acts of Board of Directors is recorded and kept in minutes’ notebook after the signing of members.

12-9: It is necessary for members of Board of Directors to attend in meetings and the absence of each member without reasonable excuse on-board diagnostics for three consecutive meetings or five alternate sessions results in resignation of absent member.

12-10: In case of resignation, dismissal or death of any member of the Board of Directors, substitute member will be determined for the remaining term.

12-11: Attending meetings of Board of Directors for ombudsmen is allowed without the right to vote.

Article13: Board of directors is a legal representative of the Association and its duties and powers are as follows:

13-1: Administrating the current affairs of the Association according to the statute and decisions of general assembly

13-2: Forming Association’s scientific groups, determining duties and monitoring their activities

13-3: Board of Directors can do any measures or transaction considering them necessary. Regarding the transfer of immovable property and changing to better one or mortgage and borrowing except transferring immovable property needs the approval of general assembly.

13-4: Except issues under provisions of the statute needs decisions and measures about them in special authority of general assemblies, Board of directors has all necessary authorities for administrating affairs subject to observe limits of issue.

13-5: Preparing annual report and regulating financial balance sheets, revenues’ bills and costs for approval in general assembly, and presenting to reference monitor at due time

13-6: Litigation and responding to the claims of real or legal entities in all references and steps of proceedings the right to determine a lawyer

13-7: Selecting and introducing representatives of the Association in domestic and foreign scientific assemblies

13-8: implementing plans and scientific programs within the framework of Association’s duties

13-9: Awarding gifts and financial aids

13-10: Awarding research and training scholarship

13-11: Making decisions about association’s membership in domestic and foreign assemblies observing laws and regulations of the country.

13-12: Sending necessary reports to the commission of scientific association of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology

13-13: Board of Directors is obliged to invite general assembly and select new board within a maximum period of 4 months before the end of tenure and send the results along with the minutes of general assembly for investigating to commission of scientific associations.

Note: Former Board of Directors will be responsible until verification of new board of directors by commission of scientific association of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology

C) Ombudsmen

Article 14: Ordinary general assembly selects one person as a main ombudsman and one as substitute for 3 years.

Note: Re-election of inspector or inspectors is permitted.

Article15: Duties of the inspector or inspectors are as follows:

15-1: Investigating documents and financial notebook, and preparing reports for general assembly

15-2: Investigating annual report of Board of directors and preparing report of association’s performance for the notice of general assembly

15-3: Reporting any type of board of directors’ violation of provisions of statute to general assembly

Note: All documents of the Association, including financial and non-financial, should be available for ombudsman to investigate in any time and without any condition

Chapter5: Scientific groups of the Association

 Article16: The Association can form following groups and committees to have activity based on the duties to be determined by the board of directors.

1. Special groups

2. Training and developing committee

3. Publication committee

4. Statistics and information committee

5. Acceptance and public relations committee

6. Scientific meeting committee

16-1: The Association is allowed to form other groups and committees, if necessary.

Chapter6: Budget and miscellaneous matters

Article17: financial resources of the Association include:

17-1: membership fee

17-2: revenues from presenting training, consultative services and selling books and scientific journals

17-3: Receiving gifts and aids

17-4: All revenues and earnings of the Association will be spent on goals and issue of article 5 of this statute

Article 18: Revenues and costs of the Association are recorded in legal offices and its explanation after the approval in general assembly is sent to the commission of scientific associations of Ministry of science, research and technology every year.

Article 19: All funds of the Association are kept in a special account with its name in one of the country’s banks.

Article 20: None of founders or capital owners has the right to withdrawal or allocation of profits, including dividends or capital gains, and neither founders or capital owners nor their first-degree relatives can engage in transactions with the institution.

Article 21: All documents and financial and non-financial records related to the association’s activities are kept in the central office of the association.

Article 22: Any change in the provisions of the statute is valid after the approval of commission of scientific associations of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology.

Article 23: The Association has the nationality of Islamic Republic of Iran and its members do not have the right of political activities, dependency to groups or political parties by using the name of the association.

Article 24: In case of approving dissolution of the Association in general assembly, the assembly will select a committee to pay the debts and collect receivables. This committee is obliged to transfer all moveable and immoveable properties to one of training institutions after paying the debts and collecting receivables.

Article 25: This statute consists of 6 chapters, 25 articles, 48 sub-articles, and 19 notes. It is approved in the meeting dated July 19, 2011 in general meeting assembly.

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