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:: Generalities and goals ::

Generalities and Goals

Article 1: in order to promote, enhance and scientific development of urban economics and qualitative development of experts, and improve the educational and research activities in the fields of urban economics and relevant sciences Urban Economics Association is formed that henceforth is called Association in this statute.

Article 2: The Association is a non-profit institution and it works in the scientific and technical fields. It has a legal entity after the date of registration, and the Chairman of the Board is a legal representative of the Association.

Article 3: The center of the Association is in Tehran and its branches may be formed in each region of the country.

Note: If necessary, Board of Directors can change the address of the main center, on the condition that it would be announced in the official gazette with a wide circulation, and commission of scientific associations of the Ministry of Science, Research Technology would be informed in a written announcement.

Article 4: The Association is formed from enactment of this statute for an unlimited period and it must abide by the laws of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

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