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:: Dr.Danesh Jafari ::

In The Name of God

The Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Davoud  Denesh Jafari

Educational Background:

High school Diploma: Javidan School, Tehran

B.A in civil engineering, Technical College of Kashmir, India

M.A in Economics, Tehran University

Ph.D. in Economics, Allameh Tabatabaei University

Work Experience:

Jihad, 1979

Going to the imposed war voluntarily, to present engineering services, 1980

Engineering command in Fath-ol-Mobin operation in Shush, 1982

Receiving medal of conquer of commander from Commander-in-Chief because of presenting engineering plans to lift the siege of Abadan and providing basics of engineering of Samen-ol-Aemeh operation in general, 1982

Chief of Staff Support Center and war engineering of Jihad, 1984

Member of central council of Jihad and Managing Director of Development Jihad Institute, 1988

Deputy Minister of Jihad in reconstruction of earthquake-stricken areas of Gilan and Zanjan, 1989

Deputy Minister of designing and planning of Jihad, 1992

Head of State Housing Foundation, 1993

Tehran representative in Parliament, 1997

Secretary of the Commission on Macroeconomics in Expediency Council, 2000

Faculty of Economics, University of Allameh Tabatabaei, 2001

Tehran representative in Parliament, 2003

Chairman of the Economic Commission of the Iranian Parliament, 2003

Minister of Economic Affairs and Finance, 2005

Real member of the Expediency Council, 2006

Head of the Supervision Commission of the Secretariat of the Expediency Council, 2008

Head of the Commission of Iran Urban Economics Scientific Association, 2011

Member of the Editorial Board of the Quarterly Journal of Scientific-Research Economics and Urban Management, 2012

General Director of the Quarterly Journal of Strategic and Macroeconomic Policies, 2013

Member of the Board of Directors of IUESA, 2014

Senior Advisor to the Minister of Health and Medical Education, 2014


Scientific and Research Background

1) Exploring the issues of contractors in Iran, Seminar on Iran Economy, Faculty of Economics, Tehran, June, 1990

2) Investigating the methods of developing trade relations with Sudan, Sierra Leone, Ghana and Tanzania, 1991

3) Investigating the methods of developing trade relations with Libya, 1991

4) Effective factors on the performance of SOEs and using privatization in Iran’s economy, Research and Construction Magazine, Number 22, Spring of 1993

5) Translation of Endogenous Technical Change, Paul M. Romer, 1995

6) Translation of the Causes of Economic Growth, Robert  M. Solow, 1995

7) Estimation of Housing Demand Function in Iran, policies of housing development in Iran, Tehran University, September 1996

8) State Management Challenges, Tadbir Magazine number 70, January 1997

9) The most important economy challenges of Iran and its approaches, Parliament Research Center, report code: 4002277, May 1997

10) Conference on youth employment, Secretariat of the Council of Youth, September 1997

11) Research Conference of Parliament Research Center, Lessons from South East Asia economic crisis about Iran economy, February 1998

12) Translation of Theories and predicting trade flows written by: Alan V. Deardorff, Parliament Research Center, report code: 3002833, 1998

13) Oil crisis and economic challenges in 1998, Tadbir Magazine number 81, April 1998

14) Series of Press interviews, 1375 to 1380

15) Economic experts’ reports of Parliament Research Center regarding the budget of 1999

16) Supervision indicators on the general policies of the Third Plan, Commission on Macroeconomics, Commercial and Administrative affairs of Expediency Council, May 1999

17) Oil price increase, investment and expectations of industrial managers, Tadbir Magazine, number 99, December 1999

18) Translation of Statistical appendix of World Development Report2000-2001, the book of WDR World Bank, December 2000

19) A look at Iran’s indicators, Commission on Macroeconomics, commercial and administrative affairs of Expediency Council, November 2000

20) A discussion about lack of liquidity of production units, Commission on Macroeconomics, commercial and administrative affairs of Expediency Council, December 2000

21) The most important challenges of Iran’s economy, Commission on Macroeconomics, commercial and administrative affairs of Expediency Council, January 2001

22) A look at financial markets in Iran, Commission on Macroeconomics, commercial and administrative affairs of Expediency Council, 2001

23) Investigating the effects of Gross Domestic Products’ (GDP) shocks, price level, currency and money rate in Iran’s Macroeconomics, Monetary and Banking Research Institute, Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran, April 2001

24) Identification of the current state of tax system and budget in the country, Commission on Macroeconomics, commercial and administrative affairs of Expediency Council, 2001

25) Privatization; concepts and strategies, Commission on Macroeconomics, commercial and administrative affairs of Expediency Council, 2001

26) Investigating the effects of Iran’s macroeconomics shocks, series of scientific lectures of Department of Business Economics, April 2001

27) Year budget of 2001, Tadbir Magazine number 111, April 2001

28) Indicator of economic periods of Iran, Bulletin-Research review of Commercial Quarterly number 18, Spring of 2001

29) Proceedings of financial corruption in government, Thought Center of Muslim student, published by: Cultural Institute of House of Wisdom (Khane Kherad), spring of 2001

30) Recognition of the current situation of monetary -currency system of the country, Commission on Macroeconomics, commercial and administrative affairs of Expediency Council, 2001

31) A plan to create a database of indicators supervision on the general policies of the Third Plan, Commission on Macroeconomics, commercial and administrative affairs of Expediency Council, May 2001

32) Value added tax and inflation challenge, Economic Research Bulletin of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance, 1st year 1st number, Summer of 2001

33) Economic Roundtable; Suitable economic system; market economy, July 2011

34) A discussion about the bill of renovation and rehabilitation of Iran Textile Industries, September 2001

35) A look at industry sector, September 2001

36) A discussion about changing small unit bills to bigger ones in Iran, September 2001

37) Mutual buy-back contracts,  familiarity with concepts, goals and methods, April 2002

38) A question about buy-back  contracts, May 2002

39) Cultural basics of development, conference on the challenges and prospects of development of Iran, joint work with other professors  in humanities and cultural studies research center, January 2003

40) Market, government and program, conference on challenges and perspectives of development of Iran, joint work with other professors  in Research and Development Institute of Tehran University, January 2003

41) A Comparative Study of export and import of Iranian oil in OPEC during 1975 to 2000, 2003

42) Tips about Sovereign Wealth Fund, February 2003

43) Roundtable od hurdles, limitations, advantages and opportunities facing globalization, the quarterly journal of Faramad number 15 , Imam Hossein University, spring of 2003

44) The concept of economic power, Commission on Macroeconomics, commercial and administrative affairs of Expediency Council, April 2003

45) Referee the journal of “ identification the business cycles in economy of Iran”, the Quarterly Journal of Economic Research, Faculty of Economics, University of Allameh Tabatabaei, June 2003

46) Two decades of economic reforms in China,  Department of Business Economics’ seminars of Faculty of Economics, University of Allameh Tabatabaei, April 2003

47) The place of agriculture, industry and foodstuff trading, comparative study of states, conference on the place of  conversion-complementary industries in the development of agriculture sector, Tarbiyat Modarres University, July 2003

48) Investigation of the development barriers of the role of cooperation sector in the economy of Iran with a n approach of other countries’ experiences, Commission on Macroeconomics, commercial and administrative affairs of Expediency Council, August 2003

49) Roundtable of investigation of the role of task facilities in the economy of Iran, the quarterly journal of Bank Saderat Iran, autumn of 2003

50) Scientific observer of the project of presentation of performance evaluation indicators of the Third Development Plan to achieve general policies relevant with employment, Deputy of monitoring of Expediency Council, October 2003

51) Scientific advisor of the project of “ Designing the indicators of supervision on the implementation of the general policies of reforming economy structure and privatization, , Deputy of monitoring of Expediency Council, November 2003

52) The role of Information Technology on the development of financial markets, Stock Magazine, December 2003

53)  From the perspective of foreigners; effective factors on Iran risk, lecture series group of business economics Faculty of Economics, University of Allameh Tabatabaei, December 2003

54) Investigation the effects of implementation of the general policies of article 44 on macroeconomics variables by using the approach model CGE, the Quarterly Journal of Economic Research, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance, December 2009

55) Privatization of Urban services; sustainable method in financing municipalities, (case study of Tehran Municipality), the booklet of the 4th congress on municipalities’ finance

56) Urban perspective of cities in Iran in the 1404 document horizon, the booklet of the 1st congress on urban management in 1404 horizon document, May 20, 2012

57) The effect of the shocks of exchange rate on the challenges and perspectives of employment of the industrial sector of Iran, the quarterly journal of strategic and macro policies, Commission of Secretariat Supervision of Expediency Council, number 1, spring of 2013

58) The effect of evaluation levels on the improvement of the quality of Tehran Municipality’s training courses by the approach of improvement of economic performance, the quarterly journal of economics and urban management number 5, winter of 2014

59) Evaluating the sustainability of financial resources and revenues of Tehran Municipality, the Quarterly Journal of Economics and Urban Management number 7, summer of 2014

60) Oil, The sixth development program and resistive economy, the Quarterly Journal of Strategic and Macro Policies, Commission of Secretariat Supervision of Expediency Council, number 8, winter of 2014



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