| Post date: 2022/09/13 | |
The Scientific Association of Urban Economics of Iran organizes:
The second international scientific competition on the subject of global housing inflation
You can participate in this national contest from October 22 to December 22, 2021 by sending your response to the association's email address: infoiuea.ir.
It should be noted that commemorative gifts are presented to the chosen ones.
1- What year is the highest global housing turnover rate?
A) 2006 b) 2007
c) 2020 d) 2021
2- According to the analysis of the "Economist" magazine, how is the global inflation situation predicted?
A) It becomes less b) It increases
c) It disappears d) It will remain for some time
3- Since December 2019, housing prices in Halifax, Canada have increased by about how many percent?
a) 50 percent b) 5 percent
c) 2 percent d) 30 percent
4- Which country has the most expensive housing prices?
A) Hong Kong B) Iran
C) Monaco D) None
5- Globally, the price of luxury residential properties is expected to grow by what percentage during 2022?
A) 12 to 15 percent b) 13 to 15 percent
c) 10 to 12 percent d) 15 to 17 percent