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:: Dr. Hossein Mohammadpour Zarandi, the president of IUESA ::
 | Post date: 2018/10/31 | 

Attention to talents reduces brain drain

In fact, organizational talents, especially elite and talented young people, are critical resources that require management to achieve the best results. Today, organizations have realized that they need the best talent to succeed in the complex global economy as well as in a competitive business environment.
The development and growth of human resources in organizations, as the most important source of production is considered the secret of the survival of organizations. Furthermore, the most important business concern is not just technology; rather, more efficient intelligent human resources and prone human capital is the main secret to confront and deal with business dilemmas.
Attention to the organizational elites and planning them well for development, career paths, helping them to take advantage of the strengths and improve weaknesses, investing for their growth and development, and boosting their potential talent are of great importance.
Considering these issues is one of the most important factors in ensuring sustainable organizational success and hence the development of the country’s economy. Organizations need to benefit from talented and elitist young people in entrepreneurship, especially in knowledge-based industries, because the country’s development and employment will be enhanced.
Therefore, by directing them and presenting new solutions, the young elite in organizations must be identified in order to accelerate the economic transformation of their organization and the country. In fact, the tools of science and creativity and will play an effective role in the realization of the knowledge economy, and organizational managers, if they are considering the development of the country’s economy, should pay attention to the scientific solutions of their young elite and implement them.
In this regard, although the recruitment of elite, knowledgeable, talented and committed human resources is important, their maintenance is more important. Studies indicate that a significant percentage of companies and organizations do not succeed in keeping their talents.
Currently, the main problem for organizations is that the amount of demand for talent exceeds its supply, and organizations realize that in order to improve their competencies, they should think about identifying, developing and retaining their talented employees in order to avoid brain drain.
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