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Dr. Hossein Mohammadpour Zarandi, the president of IUESA

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Human Resources Training Required For Successful Business

The emergence of commercial centers dates back to the ancient Greek and Roman times and they have always played a significant role in economic development of societies as the economic heart. Over the centuries, these centers have undergone many changes in terms of forms and function, so that in the present era, different functions have been adopted and accepted.
Commercial centers have shopping and consumption, as a form of leisure and recreation in common. Over time, it has become a place for community engagement and social and cultural interactions.
Public spaces are the where all kinds of social interactions are formed among different classes of society, interactions that, according to the scholars in this field, have led to the formation of social development, and they bring out the public from isolation and passivity towards the environment and others. Accordingly, the quality of public places in cities has a strong and effective role in shaping these interactions.
Today, in the world, we witness the growing trend of creating multipurpose spaces, and in our country, important steps have been taken around these spaces. The establishment of multipurpose sites in different parts of Tehran, as well as other metropolises such as Tabriz, Holy Mashhad, Isfahan and Shiraz, are among these efforts. These centers, which are mainly built by the private sector, have a great impact on the needs and daily needs of Iranian citizens through the availability of modern urban amenities.
In Iran, despite all the problems, such as cruel sanctions, declining rates of economic growth and foreign investment, and the devaluation of the national currency, the existence of malls due to the special taste of Iranians, the existence of strong communication infrastructures and the high level of urbanization in Iran, will certainly boost the growth of the modern retail industry in the coming years in Iran, and it will attract foreign representatives, attract tourists and develop the economy of the cities.
In fact, multipurpose public spaces not only increase the growth of domestic production, but also compete with authentic products, and it will increase the quality of domestic production in the long-term and their export opportunities.
In this regard, the existence of an efficient and expert work force is one of the basic prerequisites for this kind of management, which will not be achieved without specialized training-skills.
In the world, five top business universities include Harvard University, the London School of Business, the INSEAD French University, the University of MIT, and the University of Pennsylvania. Among the most prominent business college professors are Clayton Christiansen of Harvard University, Jeremy Siegel of the Wharton School of Business, Michaels Trigger of Carnegie Mellon University, Dana Moiré of the University of Michigan, Mills Shaver of the University of Minnesota.
The University of Beth, UK, focuses on the interaction between innovation, entrepreneurship and business development. The University of Utrecht, the Netherlands, focuses on the development of investments in products, product and service development, and entrepreneurship marketing, using methods such as collaborating with customers and design thinking. The University of Auckland, New Zealand, has a multidisciplinary development and management area, and its motto is to improve local and global productivity and sustainability through higher education, research and public participation.
It is worth noting, there are not enough higher education institutions in the field of business in Iran, especially in the field of training needed for multifunctional space management. In fact, higher education institutions, which have the latest and greatest educational facilities in the management of these spaces, are considered as one of the most important vacancy that has so far been overlooked.
It is hoped that the interaction between the government and the private sector as well as higher education institutions will provide additional support for the training and development of specialists in this field, which will encourage investors to invest in the country, protect Iranian goods and capital and not outflow foreign currency from the country. As a result, with the boom of the economy and the creation of the business environment, it will help the growing economy of the country.
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